Wednesday, May 5, 2010

“Getting bored is not allowed"

This evening I introduced my daughter to what is, quite possibly, the best children's book ever written- Eloise, by Kay Thompson.

Who is Eloise? She is, undoubtedly what everyone with style wishes to become. She is a fearless female who speaks her mind, does what she wants and looks fabulous the entire time! I assure you, there is not a fashionista in the world that can come close to darling Eloise. She is witty, brazen and has the intelligence and vision of a Nobel Laureate.

Oh, and did I mention that she is six?

I adore this book for so many reasons! And while I never poured a pitcher of water down a hotel mail chute, it is certainly reminiscent of the whimsy and hilarity that is childhood. This is a story for every little girl (and boy... and grownup) to remind them just how deliciously fun life can be, no matter what age you are. And *that* is a feeling which I hope my daughter, (who giggled her way through the book) can keep with her forever ;-)

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