Monday, May 13, 2013

Very "Pinterest-ing" Office Updates...UPDATED!

A few months ago I posted the Band-Aids for the Soul, Spirit & Mind craft, which I made for my office,  inspired by something I found on Pinterest. I work for a non-profit, so our offices are far from fancy. In fact, like many non-profits, my department is squeezed onto the attic floor of an old building. I've done a few things in recent months to brighten things up (can we say ace-bandage colored walls? Blech!) all of which were inspired by Pinterest. My artistic skills are not fantastic, but it's certainly made the office more "mine."

Lilly Pulitzer Pattern/Monogrammed Binders via Jessica Marie Designs
Total Cost- $0 (I already had the binders- all I had to do was print!)
Empowerment Rock Garden- Inspired by Wendy Bush's 'Social Work: Making a Difference'
Total Cost: $1 (the petite rock garden was $1 at the dollar store- I added paint to some flat rocks and voila!)

Total Cost: $0 (I had the clipboards already, all I had to do was print and use some double sided clear tape!)
Repainted frames, with inspirational sayings - via: This is all.over.pinterest.literally.
Total Cost: $4 (For 4 of the smaller frames which I got at Target and Dollar Tree... aside from thatour garage was full of old frames, and I also had some old corkboard with a broken edge, which i was able to cut down to the right size for my frame).

This is by far my most favorite quote I like to use in my work...
Yay blurry, dark cell pics!
More inspirational words.. (my artistic ability is lacking, but whatever)

Oops, i forgot one!
In this Office- Inspired by 'In This House' by Elizabeth Duvivier
Total Cost: $.50 (for the paper, from Dollar Tree)
Again with the crappy cell pic... and crappy whiting out the name of my workplace, lol

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