Sunday, September 15, 2013

Crockpot Baked Apples (a successful experiment)

First of all, I #$%@ing love fall. Love. I just want everything to smell like leaves and and cider and pumpkin spice all.the.time!
Per usual, I didn't have all the ingredients for each recipe I found online, so I decided to combine a few recipes and create my own baked apple experience. It worked! Definitely a much-lower-cal alternative to apple pie, and just as amazing!
Obligatory crappy phone pic

MIX: 1/3 cup of steel-cut oats (moistened with a few tbs. of water), 1/3 cup of brown sugar, 3 tsp. of softened butter or margarine, 1 tbs. of finely chopped raisins, 1 tsp. of cinnamon in a bowl and set to the side. 
REMOVE: the core from 5-6 (depending on the size, ours were tiny) apples, making sure not to cut all the way through. Leave about 1/4 inch in the bottom of the apple (see pic). If you have a fancy core-removal thingy- awesome! If not, use a pairing knife and spoon ( I sued a baby food spoon for the last 3 and I worked swimmingly).

STUFF: the apples with mixture and place in crock pot.

TOP: Each apple with a sprinkle of slightly moistened oats.
POUR: 1/2 - 1 cup of apple juice or apple cider into bottom of crock pot.
SET: Crock pot on high and let back for 2-2.5 hours or until apples are starting to fall apart!
If you like your apple baked goods with ice cream, but are trying to stay low-cal, try freezing some greek yogurt (we did, and Viv LOVED IT!!) for a few hours and top with that. 
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Friday, September 6, 2013

Pre-K Favorites!

How quickly time flies!
 Compared to last year...
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Monday, September 2, 2013

Kiddo Craft: The Very Hungry Caterpillar

Long time, no craft! This summer has been a blur and a half, albeit a wonderful one. It did include some crafts, but I haven't had a hot minute to post any pictures, so that will have to wait for another time!
We planned on having lunch at the playground today, but the weather had other plans for us.
We love Eric Carl's illustrations, and this project was inspired by 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar'!

You will need:
(Not pictured- hot glue and magnets)
For the butterfly wings, I recommend you use vibrant artwork your child has already created. We used some of the crayon stained glass we made this winter!

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