Monday, November 4, 2013

Thanksgiving Thankfulness Countdown Calendar

A kiddo spin on the daily thankfulness folks are posting on facebook. When it came to Halloween, Viv asked us ever single day to countdown how many days until THE day, so we thought it might be fun to do a Thanksgiving countdown calendar for her to look forward to doing every day. When we were making this, we talked a lot about what being thankful means, and what we're all thankful for in our family. It's been heartwarming to hear her daily reflections of what she's happy about, and to share our own.

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Sunday, November 3, 2013


So little Fall, so much to do! Here are some fallish crafty things we've been up to:
A fun one I found on Pinterest:
We didn't end up putting glowsticks in them on Halloween night because I was under the weather and didn't make it to the store that day, but here they are as part of our porch display:
Here are the "Spooky Snacks" we made for Viv's class when it was our week to provide snack:
Pumpkin carving
For our favorite Bat Dad
Loving window crayons!
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