Julia Child I am certainly not. Truthfully, I'm not even Sandra Lee. Can I just say that I adore her? The woman has made an art form out 'kind-of' cooking. She gives moms everywhere (nay,
women everywhere) faith that one can cook out of a box and still be
I would go as far to say that in our household, cooking is considered strictly a husbandly (and most appreciated) duty. I'm sure I could cook if I wanted to, but for now I think I'll leave that task to the domestic god I more familiarly refer to as Mike.
What I can do however, is bake. And no, they are not the same thing! Here is a recipe from my Great Grandmother's recipe box (literally) that is so easy, even the most domestically challenged can look like a pro in the kitchen!
Here we go...
GG's Apple Crisp:
First and foremost, you will need an adorable and helpful assistant! This step
is optional, but clearly not as much fun.
1. The recipe calls for the open to be pre-heated to "medium," which we have worked out to mean 325-350, depending on your oven. We have a gas stove and set it on 325.
2. Fill a large glass pie dish overflowing with peeled apples (your call on the type of apple, but I prefer to use green).
3. Mix:
1/2 c. sugar
3/4 c. white all-purpose flour
6 tbps. butter
1/2 c. white sugar
3. Cut these ingredients together like pastry. For the record though, you can mix it all together with a spoon and knife and it works equally as well!
4. Sprinkle mix over apples
5. Bake for approx. 50min-1hour, again, depending on your oven.
6. Top with vanilla ice cream and eat! DE-lish I tell you!
You may ask, "why isn't there any cinnamon in the recipe?" as my co-worker did. I assure you, it isn't needed!