The time has come once again, to take the plunge. The Penguin Plunge that is!
Bestie and I have made a yearly tradition (with the exception of the year we were both el preggo) of jumping into the icy waters of Lake Memphremagog. Not only do we voluntarily freeze our bajingos off, we pay to do it! While it is clear I am not a fan of the cold, this event is worth every penny. And in all honesty, it's so quick and such a rush you barely feel the cold!
So anyway, tomorrow is the day, and we were fortunate enough this year to have several other friends in tow! When the final numbers are tallied, our team, 'Fight Like a Girl!' will have raised over $900! It isn't too late to donate still! You can give (securly I mught add) via my fundraising website at First Giving. All procedes go to the Vermont Special Olympics!
Thanks all:)

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